I dare you to take a quick scroll through your Tik Tok account right now and I guarantee you'll see these effects within the first 30 seconds.
Whoever said using Tik Tok effects was SAF, should probably take that back!
"LOOP ME", "Tongue Out", and "Bratz Makeup" are just a few of the effects, Tik Tokers everywhere are obsessing over.
Here's a list of Tik Tok effects we're LIVING for and you should try
I don't know whether to barf 🤢 or to close my eyes 👀 .... Apparently the right response is to fall flat on your face.
Ahahahaha...ha...haaaaa 😬
Some of ya'll are in disbelief that falling is a real side effect. 🧐
But some of ya'll experienced it yourself 😂
AND OTHERS couldn't stop laughing 😆
Tongue Out
Do you remember when Tik Tokers were using that duck lip face effect? 😂 This reminds me of that effect. Your best friend ranting your ear off, use the Tongue Out effect, your grandma knitting in her favorite chair, use the Tongue Out effect!
So many uses, so little time.
The only thing ya'll could see was Andrew's googlie 🤪 eyes for Lexi 😂
Bratz Makeup
🎶 Everybody now, time to show the whole world, what we're all about...ooohhhh BRATZ! 🎵
Apparently, you are saying YES! To the duo of @itsaishamian and @troyosterberg... is it time to put a name to the couple? Too soon? You tell me. 😉